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Image by Peter Steiner 🇨🇭
Pastor's Corner

Lent & Spring Recap - 2024

Writer: Harbor Christian ChurchHarbor Christian Church

Scroll through and be reminded of some of Harbor's favorite memories from Lent & Spring!

Lavender Bundles and Oils from Maundy Thursday


Lent Highlights

Our Lenten Curriculum from A Sanctified Art

Ash Wednesday

Many enjoyed our Roses & Ashes theme as Ash Wednesday fell on Valentine's Day this year. Our interactive prayer stations stayed up throughout the season. The two most popular stations were the ever-changing scrabble board and the dissolving prayer slips. Thank you to all who participated.


Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, we were blessed with a grand palm processional by our children & youth! Watch our Palm Sunday service below and see the palm processional right at the start of the video.


Maundy Thursday

This year our pastors and elders offered foot washings as a way to remember how Jesus told his disciples to wash one another's feet after Jesus had washed all of their feet (John 13: 1-17). At Harbor, community members were invited to come sit and place their feet in a clean tub with warm, lavender infused water as either Pastor Sadie or Elder Caroline anointed them with oils and a blessing. The oil anointings called us to remember when Jesus' dear friend, Mary anointed his feet with nard, filling the house with fragrance, as she wiped his feet with her hair. We can wonder about this beautiful moment in scripture. It almost as if Jesus felt so moved by Mary's act of love and care that he was inspired to offer a similarly meaningful blessing to each of his dear friends in the very next chapter. To honor the mystery of these stories, each person who attended our gathering was gifted a lavender bundle harvested from Elder Caroline's garden. We hope the scent of lavender filled your homes, just like the oil that Mary poured over Jesus' feet. And we hope you'll join us for next year's foot washing ceremony.


Easter Sunday

We had a full house this Easter! Everyone dressed in their Sunday best, including the Sanctuary which was changed from Lenten lavenders to Easter white by our Worship Committee.

Because of the rainy weather, our Children & Youth Easter Egg Hunt was moved from the front lawn to the sanctuary! How fun!


Pentecost Sunday

For Pentecost we celebrated the church's birthday with cupcakes for communion!


Special Events


Spring Brunch

Congregational Life planned our Spring Brunch with Sallims Christian Church following Palm Sunday service. It's always such a joy when our communities get to spend fellowship time together. We all ate way too much wonderful food! Thanks to all who helped fill the table with delicious choices!


Blessing of the Bikes

Thanks to all who joined for our annual Blessing of the Bikes which has become a special part of our annual Earth Day Celebrations! We always have such a good time. This year, our music team premiered a rendition of Wheels on the Bus. Each verse highlighted a different alternative transportation. Some of our favorite lines were, the rolls on the blade go swish, swish, swish and the wheels on the scoot go squeak, squeak, squeak. But the verse that got a collective groan from our youth was the brakes on the bike go SKRRR, SKRRR, SKRRR.

Got any ideas for a verse to add to our alternative transportation song? Let our music team know for next year!


Spring Baptisms

Harbor was honored to baptize two people this Spring: Ian Harper and Tyler Watson. Ian found Harbor several months back and has been excited to jump into our community with love and enthusiasm. Tyler is son of Elder Emeritus Rhoda Watson who you can see pictured below, proudly explaining that he was fulfilling a long-ago promise to her (Rhoda) to be baptized by immersion at some point in his life.

A beautiful reception was hosted by the Watson family after service to celebrate the baptisms. There were many home-made baked goods and a classic Sunday punch that was nostalgic for many of our community members.


OC Marathon - Youth Outreach

Harbor's Youth picked up and updated an Outreach event to support OC Marathon runners with a whole range of items to keep the runners going. Their helpful offerings included: Bio-Freeze, sunscreen, misters, orange slices, and pretzels. Those at Harbor know that every year there is one Sunday that is more difficult than others to get to church as many roads in Newport Beach close for the OC Marathon which runs right by Harbor.

Thanks to all who braved the early morning! We all could see the instant appreciation for our half-way point station and look forward to next year.


Guest Speaker - Rev. Dr. Maria Francesca French

We loved having our international member Maria here to preach for two Sundays and to speak about her two published works. Can't wait to have her back!

If you were unable to stay for the Q&A session on May 19th a recording can be found below.

Campus Updates

Native Plants Project

We are beginning a long term project on our campus. This project will involve slowly replacing our non-native plants with native plants. We kicked off this project last spring by planting three Coast Live Oaks and four White Sage bushes. Thank you so much to Elder Caroline for donating the plants and spear-heading this initiative.


Campus Work Day

Thank you to all who joined us for our Campus Work Day! Saturday, May 18th, community gathered to work on one of two projects: kitchen reorganization or removal of non-native plants.

Thank you to Elaine and Nan for providing lunch for all of the volunteers! The Pineapple Surprise was a hit that will definitely be repeated at an upcoming potluck.


Goodbye to Cart Coffee (for now)

Harbor had a bittersweet farewell with Covering Grounds this last Spring. Bitter because we will no longer have the convenience and luxury of artisanal coffee in our front parking lot prepped by our very own Indigo Cullumber! Sweet because Matt and his wife, owner and community friend, are expecting their first child!

Matt, we are so grateful for the time we did have and wish your family all the blessings.

Harbor In Action

Justice Work Highlights


CLUE Architects of Justice Dinner

Harbor was honored to host CLUE's annual Architects of Justice dinner for the 3rd year.


Reparations Calls

Thank you to all who were able to make calls to government representation to voice your support for reparations legislation. This was one of the ways we were taught by Kamilah Moore to put belief into action at the Reparations Now event in Fall 2023.

Harbor In Community

Member Updates, News & Highlights


Rhoda's Fashion Moment

We didn't think it could be done but somehow Rhoda topped her 2023 sparkly pink Easter jacket with this year's Easter outfit. She literally dazzled in a full opalescent, sequin dress, white fur jacket and silver sneakers! We love the way you sparkle Rhoda but not as much as one of our youngest does.


Walk for Victory - The Marfan Foundation

Thank you to all who showed up and donated in support of our very own Gabriella Earnhart. If you weren't able to participate this year, we look forward to having you join us next year.


Community Grief Circle

We had a lovely and private gathering of people, some from our Harbor community and others who were new to Harbor. In the Community Grief Circle, each person is given time to reflect on grief and to hear some reflections on grief. There is also time for personal reflection through quiet time, journaling, walking, eating, etc. And finally, each person is given an opportunity to share their own words on grief with the group. While a person is speaking, all others are listening. Pastor Terry LePage created a meaningful ritual with stones and water that each person was invited to participate in. It was a very meaningful time that gave space for those gathered to experience grief in community as both a subject and a witness to others. Thank you to Elder Caroline for providing this gentle space for those who wish to experience meaningful time in grief.


Community Performances

Our community looks forward to attending performances of all kinds to support our members. This spring we enjoyed watching Nicholas Earnhart and Shelby Kliewer in High School Musical; Seton Fogel in a UCI Choral Concert; and Molly Cooper in Chicago.


Nan Collett Travels for Eclipse

Nan Collett traveled to the mid-west specifically to witness the full-coverage eclipse this last spring. She provided this photo for our community to enjoy and even crafted a mission moment around her experience. How cool!

Thank you for reading!

Keep an eye out for our Summer Newsletter coming out soon!



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