Stay updated with what we have going on this Summer

About the Series
At Harbor, we’re starting our summer with a new study by A Sanctified Art, called Unraveled. During this 12 week study, we will be spending time reflecting on what happens when our world falls apart? How do we press on when our tightly knit plans unravel into loose threads? As we consider how our lives and all of life experiences unraveling, we’ll also discover that sometimes life surprises us with unexpected joy, love, hope, or even a new beginning we couldn’t have imagined. We hope you’ll join us in this study.
Don’t forget to grab your printed devotional in the sanctuary. You can get started by journaling in response to our theme questions:
What has unraveled and/or is unraveling in your life/in the text?
What are the results of the unraveling?
How is God working in the midst of the unraveling?
What might we glean for this story/your story or unraveling?
If you’d prefer an electronic version, email
Community Slideshow Contest
As you may have noticed our Media & Tech team create a new Sunday Slideshow for each of our studies. This time, they had a lot of fun designing around the Unraveled theme. They have included many references to the fiber and textile arts in our slideshow that you will be looking at for the next 12-weeks.
As a bit of fun, the Media & Tech team are hosting a contest to see which members can catch and list all of the references woven into the slideshow.
Contest Guidelines
Submit a written list either in person to Minister of Media Lauren or by email at by Sunday, August 4th.
The team has counted 42 individual items / names but feel free to submit more if you see them as none of us have a strong background in this area. Things to list would include:
Names of textiles and materials Ex. cloth, thread, needle
Names of art skill Ex. sewing
Names of techniques, patterns and stitches Ex. backstitch
Listed items will only be counted once, even if they appear on other slides.
Only one submission per congregant member and all submissions are final so don't submit too early until you are sure!
There can be multiple winners and prize TBD. Have fun!
Harbor Summer Events
Heart Opening Ceremony
Sunday, June 9

Join us for a special Heart Opening Ceremony, led by our dear friend, Sebastian Puteus!
We invite you to spend loving time with yourself and in community as Sebastian brings us back to the simplicity of connection. He’ll guide us through gentle practices that are suitable for all ages. These practices will open the heart space for an intuitive (self) love experience. We’ll share loving prayers through beautiful songs as Sebastian leads us on his ukulele. For those who choose, you will also be invited to enjoy Ceremonial Cacao as an ancient heart medicine.
You are very welcome to join us with whatever you bring including curiosity and skepticism.
We’ll begin this in-person only ceremony shortly after Sunday service. It will last about one and a half hours.
We recommend that you not eat a lot before the ceremony. Snacks will be provided after the ceremony.
Blue Theology
June 22 - 28, August 3 - 10
We are in our third year of hosting Blue Theology, our ocean and eco-justice centered ministry which offers a week long intensive for youth to come learn and deepen their connection with our earth.
We have two groups coming this year, one in June and the other in August. They have introduced themselves to us further in the newsletter. If you'd like to read that now please click here to go that post.
There will be a volunteer meeting on Sunday, June 9th on Zoom for those interested in learning how you can support this summer.
Grad Celebrations
Sunday, June 30

We’re so proud to announce the graduations for Eric Whitesell, Seton Fogel, and Silas Newcott!
Please join us after church on Sunday June 30 to celebrate our recent grads!
Spring Safety Training
Sunday, July 14

Join us on July 14 after church for part two of our campus safety training. We’ll learn how to use our new AED machine, review the locations of our fire extinguishers and first aid kits, discuss our active shooter plan, and learn about the importance of having narcan available in case of an overdose. We hope you’ll join us for your own personal knowledge and as a way to keep our community safe.
Small Group Offerings at Harbor
It’s been wonderful to see so many new people begin walking through our doors and getting involved in our community. Because we have so many new people, and because it’s been awhile since we got some feedback from the community around the kinds of groups we would like to offer, we have put together a questionnaire that will help us get a feel for what you’re looking for.
Please take a few minutes to thoughtfully consider the questions on the linked form below and submit your responses for review. We really appreciate your time and effort with this and we look forward to integrating the things we will learn into our community offerings.
Youth & Children Events
Summer is upon us and we are SO looking forward to these long days! Here are the upcoming events for the next couple of months. Keep an eye on the announcements in church and in emails as it is likely that new events will come up!
Beach Days: June 9, July 21, August 11 after church and open to all children, youth and families!
Special August Event: Sat August 31, Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge. Rumor has it we will get to see sea turtles on this outing. More info to come!

PSWR Camps:
The 2024 Summer Camp program at Loch Leven will explore Disciples faith practices and equip young people with tools to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ, all while having fun and meeting new friends.
JUNE 23-28 | CYF (Campers entering grades 9-12 in the fall, and recent 2024 high school graduates) Deadline to register is June 9 at midnight.
JULY 7-12 | CHI RHO (Campers entering grades 6-8 in the fall)Deadline to register is June 23 at midnight.
JULY 21-24 | WEE CAMP (Ages 3-Kindergarten (entering in the fall); the child attends with parent/guardian) Deadline to register is July 7 at midnight.
JULY 21-24 | MINI CAMP (Campers entering grades 1-3 in the fall) Deadline to register is July 7 at midnight.
JULY 21-26 | JUNIOR CAMP (Campers entering grades 4-5 in the fall) Deadline to register is July 7 at midnight.
Note: Jubilee Camp will combine Wee Camp, Mini Camp and Junior Camp for some programming and to share meals. Campers will be separated for cabin accommodations and programming specific to their age group.
Any questions? Email Pastor Janette
Thank you for reading!
To continue reading our 2024 Summer Newsletter, please click on the next article shown in the Related Posts section below.