We've been tending our land for many years, but in the last few months we have been much more intentional about our work and efforts. Read below for a progress report on what we have accomplished.
Join us on the first Saturday of each month @ 9am -12pm!

Elder Captain Caroline C. Kaufmann has extended her gifts to our campus, heading up and starting a massive transition from non-native to native plants and food plants across our campus. The hope is to extend our care to not just humans but our local wildlife by providing healthy habitat with our sacred land.

To take the small steps that will lead us to the end of this vison, Harbor will meet first Saturdays of every month to work on our campus, 9am-12pm, rain or shine.
The list of tasks include: spreading mulch, pulling weeds, moving downed tree bits, planting natives, spreading native seed, planting fruit trees, measuring for a community garden, noticing wildlife, dreaming, loving and laughing!
Please bring any tools from home you have that would help with the tasks above. Gloves are also recommended but not required.
Thank you to all who have joined so far! We hope to see many of you on December 7th!
Progress Report Date
White Sage Planted in Searcey Beds
Three (3) California Live Oaks Planted
Compost Bin Installed
Children & Youth Garden Bed Set Up, Mulched & Seeded
Persimmon Tree Planted
Three (3) California Live Oaks Planted
Cont. Non-Native Plant Removal in Front Parking Lot
Harbor Wood Sign Re-Painted
Parking Lot Pathway Bed Cleared, Mulched, Planted with Native Species
Two Eucalyptus Trees Felled and Distributed (thanks Neighbor!)
Avocado Tree Planted (thanks Guerilla Gardner!)
And lots of dreaming, loving, learning, visioning and laughing!